Thursday, October 31, 2013

Row Robin Quilts at Sue Dee's

These are the Row Robin quilt tops that were shown at Sue Dee's during our final class with Mac in October.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Peck Family History Draft Version

Link to Peck Family History on Google Docs:

Final Pages of Baby Book Complete

Today I finished my Baby Book project. I'm very happy with the way it turned out. I tried to add as many family stories as I could because those are the things I enjoy most about the old photo albums I look at. This first page is from Summer 1959.

This page is from December 1959 - Grandpa Fuller took the photos of Judy and me in our white dresses with the huge petticoats. It must have been right before or after Christmas at our house.

Here is the final page of my album. I wanted to end on my 6th birthday because 1960 was one of those years full of Big Events in our family. We took our first cross-country vacation to Phoenix, Dad took a new job for General Motors up in Warren, OH and was travelling back and forth for most of the summer, and we moved to Warren that Fall where I started First Grade and then, almost immediately, was moved up to Second Grade.

I'm planning to add a final page of retrospective journaling on the right-hand side of this page.

I may, or may not, make another autobiographical scrapbook album about those years in Warren. However, it's a great feeling of accomplishment to finish this one.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Progress on 1959 Slides to Photos

I am partway through the 1959 pages for my album. I have all the photos in the plastic sleeve protectors, and I've picked out the cards to use on all the pages, but I have to write most of the journaling on those cards now.

I added some photos of my Kindergarten schoolwork that I had glued into an old Scrapbook album back in 1960. I also found a photo of my old Elementary School on the internet and included it with my drawing of the school.

I was still in Kindergarten when I started that scrapbook. You can see I have been scrapbooking for a very long time. I made photo collages on PhotoShop and printed them as 6 by 6 pictures on cardstock. I used double-sided 6 by 6 paper for the journaling cards.

One more of the 1959 pages - this was Christmas at our house.

I've decided to add photos up to my birthday in 1960 and then stop for this album. So I'm very close to finishing now. I think I'll keep converting slides, though. At least it would be good to get them catalogued and saved digitally even if I don't decide to print any more for now.

Finished Up to 1958!

I had the next set of slides printed from Persnickety Prints and filed them in my small storage photo books. I had my photos and list of slides by date in front of me, and then I planned out which photos were going to go into which page in the book. I had a few vertical photos that I had printed in both 4 by 6 and 2 by 3 sizes since I wasn't sure where they would fit in the overall pages.

Here you can see the worksheet that I used for planning which page protectors to use and where the photos and journaling cards would go. I am keeping the photos in chronological order as much as possible. A few are hard to date, but I guessed based on clothes, haircuts, and where we were in the photo.

I also took some of the letters that Grandma Fuller saved for me and added them in between the pages where they fit chronologically - or as close as possible. I decided to use the orginals instead of scanning them since they were in a file folder. I used photo corners for most of them, but a few I attached with a tape runner.
I had fun with the journaling cards, adding a lot of embellishments to the cards for Christmas. I used a variety of holiday papers that I bought recently (on sale, of course!) that had cutout sheets of journaling cards, tags, phrases, etc.
I also had some 12 by 12 layouts that I finished when I took an online class from Amy Sorenson called Textuality from Big Picture Classes. I decided to include them chronologically as well. This one of my grandmother reading to me fit right in with a few photos of me reading and another of my Great-Aunt Edith reading to me. I enjoyed making the new page balance with the old - luckily I still had a few of the labels that I used on the older layout. I added other patterned paper that had similar colors.
Here is a close-up of the new page. Some of these pages I spend a lot of time on the cards that I add, and other times I just use basic cards that I write my journaling on. I'm lucky to have a lot of time to spend on the project, so I have fun with it. I really like the fact that I can easily move things around if I find a new photo or decide I don't like the way something looks.
I am still sticking with Becky Higgins Project Life Olive Edition cards for most of my pages. I think it helps make the album look more consistent. I just print out cards from the digital version as I need them. Sometimes I type the journaling on the cards before I print them, but most of the time I write the journaling by hand. I know that when I look at old scrapbooks from my mother, grandmothers and even great-grandmothers I like to see their own handwriting.
Here is where I added the last few pages from my original Baby Book (scanned copies) along with one more paper that Grandma Fuller saved. She had written something on the paper about how I wrote the letters of the alphabet and copied my name. It goes along with what my mother wrote on the Baby Book page next to it.
I'm very happy with how this album is turning out, and I'm close to finishing the initial project. If I decide to convert more of the slides, I will have to buy another binder to put them in. This one is just about full now.