Thursday, September 26, 2013

Peck Family History Draft Version

Link to Peck Family History on Google Docs:

Final Pages of Baby Book Complete

Today I finished my Baby Book project. I'm very happy with the way it turned out. I tried to add as many family stories as I could because those are the things I enjoy most about the old photo albums I look at. This first page is from Summer 1959.

This page is from December 1959 - Grandpa Fuller took the photos of Judy and me in our white dresses with the huge petticoats. It must have been right before or after Christmas at our house.

Here is the final page of my album. I wanted to end on my 6th birthday because 1960 was one of those years full of Big Events in our family. We took our first cross-country vacation to Phoenix, Dad took a new job for General Motors up in Warren, OH and was travelling back and forth for most of the summer, and we moved to Warren that Fall where I started First Grade and then, almost immediately, was moved up to Second Grade.

I'm planning to add a final page of retrospective journaling on the right-hand side of this page.

I may, or may not, make another autobiographical scrapbook album about those years in Warren. However, it's a great feeling of accomplishment to finish this one.